
#12 研究者 | Donna Keanさん


I am from Glasgow, Scotland and am currently getting my PhD in psychology at the University of Stirling. I met a professor at Kyoto University two years ago and was invited  to collect data with monkeys at the Primate Research Institute. Overall I study differences between human cultures and primate cultures. We focus on social learning — how monkeys learn from each other and how they learn from other information. We see cumulative culture – cultures that build up over generations – everywhere in humans, whereas in other animals there is almost no evidence of it, especially in wildlife. We would like to know why this difference occurs because we do know they have culture, but it just doesn’t really build up. Humans pick up information from one another very quickly – an essential aspect of why we have such complex societies and the reason why we have good and bad developments. We learn to be more conscious of others, but this also means we can easily develop social anxiety. Day to day, I work with a team of monkeys in a lab, having them do different tasks, using touch screen computers. It’s kind of funny because a lot of people don’t even know they’re there.

京都はとても穏やか。スコットランドでは自転車は周りの邪魔になるって嫌がられているので、京都でこんなにも自転車が多くて驚きました。スコットランドは日本より不機嫌な人が多いのかな。わたしも自転車でよく三条近辺まで行きます。一見、観光客向けの店が多いんですけど、ローカルなカフェやバーも多いってわかってきました。名前はわからないんですけど、Elephant Factory Coffeeの上のバーに行って。そこで出してるバター醤油味のポップコーンがお気に入り。

Kyoto is very peaceful. I was kind of surprised by how many cyclists there are. I guess people are generally much more grumpy in Scotland and aren’t fond of cyclists that get in the way…. I cycle down to the Sanjo area quite often. There are a lot of tourist traps, but I found some nice local bars. There’s a nice bar on top of Elephant Factory Coffee that has the best soy sauce and butter flavored popcorn.


I guess my best memory here was on the day I got here and I cycled under the tunnel of cherry blossom trees. It was phenomenal. Hanami is quite amazing — it almost seems like a massive connected social gathering. Everyone is in their own groups, but if you look at it from the outside, it seemed as if everyone decided together at the same time, like  “okay we are doing this.” Quite a sight. 
